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Помогите плииииииииииз! 1. How .......... eggs did you ..........? I didn`t get .......!2. Jack always gets so ........ of........3. He gets ........ he

5-9 класс

wants ......... of the time.4. I`dlove ...... new ..... of jeans.5. I don`t want ..... clothes. I want ...... for my new PlayStation.7. ......... has got it here. You can ......... get it in America.8. I don`t know ........ who lives in America.9. He doesn`t earn ...... money. He just sends me ...... pounds for my birthday.10. So ....... homework! It`s not fair!

Paveldmitriew 18 июля 2014 г., 6:25:57 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 июля 2014 г., 8:42:20 (9 лет назад)

Просто подобрать слова в предложения?

1. How many eggs did you eat? I didn't get any!
2. че-то ничего не придумывается
3. He gets five. He wants one of the time.
4. I'd love a new pair of jeans.
5. I don't want any clothes.
6. I want games for my new PS
7. She has got it here. You can also get it in America
8. I don't know anybody who lived in America
9. He doesn't earn much money. He just sends me couple pounds for my birthday
10. So much homework! Its not fair 

+ 0 -
18 июля 2014 г., 10:06:17 (9 лет назад)

что это это типа надо какие то слова вставить что ли

+ 0 -
18 июля 2014 г., 11:37:42 (9 лет назад)

что за 30 баллов никто не сможет помочь?


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите пожалуйста в прямую речь

1.David suggested that on his local radio there should be more programmes about cool things going on in his area.
2. Katy said that her mum was going to win a car in one of the radio competitions.
3.Olivia said that her favorite radio station played really good music and was very entertaining.
4.Emma remembered that when she had been driven to primary school in a taxi they always had the radio on.
5.Ben remembered that he had listened to the radio every morning before school and every Sunday evening.


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Помогите нужен рассказ как я провела лето по вопросам: With whom did you travel ?

How long did you stay there ?
What did you do in the morning and in the afternoon ?
Where did you go in the evening ?
Did you have fun ?
What are the places you visited famous for ?
Where are they situated ?
What souvenirs did you buy ?
Were your holidays interesting ? boring ?

помогите пожалуйста!

Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.I said to him:"How long are you going to stay there"?2)I said to Nick:"where are you going"3)I

said to him:"How long will it take you to get there?"4)Pete said to his friends:"When are you leaving St.Peterburg?"5)He said to them:"Who will you see before you leave here?"6)They said to him:"What time does the train start?"7)Ann said to Mike:"When did you leave London?"8)She said to Boris:"When will you be back home?"9)Boris said to them:"How can i get to the railway station?"10)Mary asked Tom:"What time will you come here tomorrow?"11)She asked me:"Why didn t you come here yesterday?"12)She asked me:"What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?"13)I asked Mike:"What will you do after dinner?"14)I asked my uncle:"How long did you stay in the Crimea?"15)Ada said to me:"Where did you see such trees?"Помогите пожалуйста(((

Помогите Переделать специальные вопросы в косвенной речи 1)They said to him "What time does the train start " 2) I asked my uncle "How long did you

stay in the Crimea?" 3)Mother said to me "Who has brought this parcel" 4)Ada said to me "Where did you see such trees?" 5)I said to Becky "What king of book has your friend brought you ?"

Where did you go during the holiday

I went to Russia
Really?Did you go to Moskow
No,I didn t
Where did you go?
To Irkutsk
Nice How did you get there
We fiew to Moscow and took the train from there
Who did you go with
I went with my sister
Where did you stay
We stayed with our cousin
How Long did you spend there
There weeks
Did you have a good holiday
Yes,I did It was great
What did you do
I weht swimihg and fishing
What was the weather like
It was fine

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