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What tourist are in Moscow choose two and write a paragraph about each one including what visitors can see there . Напишите пожалуйста! умоляю!

5-9 класс

Amg2344 23 сент. 2014 г., 20:01:19 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 сент. 2014 г., 22:31:23 (9 лет назад)

tourist in moscow can see very all beautiful memories what the moscow have.Tourist have to save nature in moscow and he have to know any streets.when tourist came for you ,,and you have to help him in problems.


Другие вопросы из категории

Знатоки английского!! Помогите пожалуйста с заданием

Переписать предложения правильно, вставляя (где это нужно артикли)

1) We went to theatre last night and saw great play, although some of acting was bit poor.
2) Give me ring tomorrow before I go to work and we will arrange to meet at office.
3) He told reported that goverment wanted to passlaw banning hunting.
4) I asked hotel manager where poolbwas and she directed me to seventh floor.
5) They said on news on radio that Mouth Vesuvius, volkano that destroyed Pompeii, could erupt again.
6) Car has revolutionised transport and is absolutely vital to economy of most countries.
7) Judge read jury s verdict aloud and then sentenced accused to 5 years in prison.
8)Job in media can be quite stressful because of pressure you are under ti do things on time.
9) Very few people went to school and university and most started work at very young age
10) I have little free time since I gave up karte, so I am thinking of trying new hobby, like learning musical instruments.

Что нужно вставить вместо пропусков? Ben, ___ you like apples? ___ your mother like red apples? ___ your father like red


___ he like green apples?

___ your sisters, Mary and Sally, like bananas?

___ they like ice-cream?

___ you like ice cream?

составить предложения из слов : 1) usually\ it \ me \ to get \ takes \ my \ an hour \ to \ office 2) it\ him \ this \ took \ days \ book \ to read \


3) her \ takes \ it \ breakfast \ twenty minutes \ to have \ always.

4) take \ did \ how long \ it \ to do \ you \ your \ homework ?

Читайте также


"My main reason for visiting Russia was its unigue culture and architecture; they are simply too great to miss! I personally had no problem in Moscow and would encourage people who are thinking of visiting the capital to do it. You are sure to find lots of entertainment and learn a different way of life. However, Moscow is not sheap. Food, transport and services are more expensive there than anywhere I have ever been to. (Simon. England)
While Moscow is a noisy city, the villages and small cities of Russia are guiet. Russians are very hospitable, friendly and probably the most openhearted people, but you have to get their respect first. (Laura, the USA)
'Russia is of course a lovely place to go to. It has so much to offer (just think about world-famous museums, theatres and galleries), but it does not provide easy or enjoyable travelling across the country. However, there are good tourist facilities in Moscow, St Petersburg and some other large cities. And the metro in Moscow is efficient and cheap. (Raguel, Spain)
"Today, Russia is not attractive to many tourists for a variety of reasons. Firstly, English is not spoken or understood expect in the major cities. Without knowing the landuage it is difficult to travel in Russia. Then, hotel and train accommodations are below European standards.' (Joann, Germany)
'Russia is definitely worth visiting, because it is one of the most important and influential countries in the world. Besides, Moscow is a wonderful city. I was greatly impressed with the city and the sights. And what is more, where else will you find such beautiful landscapes?(Hitomi, Japan)


По данному тексту, написать + и - посещении России.
"My main reason for visiting Russia was its unigue culture and architecture; they are simply too great to miss! I personally had no problem in Moscow and would encourage people who are thinking of visiting the capital to do it. You are sure to find lots of entertainment and learn a different way of life. However, Moscow is not sheap. Food, transport and services are more expensive there than anywhere I have ever been to. (Simon. England)
While Moscow is a noisy city, the villages and small cities of Russia are guiet. Russians are very hospitable, friendly and probably the most openhearted people, but you have to get their respect first. (Laura, the USA)
'Russia is of course a lovely place to go to. It has so much to offer (just think about world-famous museums, theatres and galleries), but it does not provide easy or enjoyable travelling across the country. However, there are good tourist facilities in Moscow, St Petersburg and some other large cities. And the metro in Moscow is efficient and cheap. (Raguel, Spain)
"Today, Russia is not attractive to many tourists for a variety of reasons. Firstly, English is not spoken or understood expect in the major cities. Without knowing the landuage it is difficult to travel in Russia. Then, hotel and train accommodations are below European standards.' (Joann, Germany)
'Russia is definitely worth visiting, because it is one of the most important and influential countries in the world. Besides, Moscow is a wonderful city. I was greatly impressed with the city and the sights. And what is more, where else will you find such beautiful landscapes?(Hitomi, Japan)

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Read the text and answer the questions. Tim, Dennis, Adam and Laura were ill last month. Tim had to stay in bed for two weeks

and take a lot of medicine. Laura couldn't listen to music for a day. Adam had to drink a lot of hot milk with honey and couldn't eat any ice cream. Dennis had to stay in bed for two days. His mother gave him some nose drops and some cough syrup.

1. What was the matter with Tim?
2. What was the matter with Laura?
3. What was the matter with Adam?
4. What was the matter with Dennis?

Отетьте на вопросы...)))

Dear John, It s nice to know that you (1.be) still on holiday . I wonder what you are doing now . You (2. fish) ? You (3.swim) ? You (4.lie) in the sun?

Anyway I hope you (5.enjoy) yourself . Only a few days ago I (6.fish), (7.swim) and (8. lie) in the sun too . But it (9.be) over now and I ( 10 . be ) back at school. The weather has changed and it ( 11. rain) heavily . And only yesterday the sun (12.shine )brightly in the cloudess sky . I think that autumn ( 13 . be ) here . What is the weather like where you are ? Is it cold and foggy or is it warm and sunny ? A wind ( 14 . blow) ? Our textbooks( 15. write ) so much about the weather in Britain . I d like to know if what they write is true . With best wishes , Sasha Пожалуйста раскройте скобки

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