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Помогите пожайлуста срочно нужно там 24 задания вопроси на их ответ в 23

10-11 класс

Наастяяя56 13 авг. 2014 г., 18:09:17 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 авг. 2014 г., 19:21:46 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Нужно ответить на вопросы. Which of the following international events would you join? Which of the events would be the most efficient? Which woul

d be the most difficult to organise and take part in?Why? How could you make these less difficult? How could you benefit from each event? вот мероприятия которые предлагаются 1 Plant a tree day 2 Car free day 3 No electricity 4 Buy nothing day 5 Smile at all stranqers day

3 We (nit yet to solve) the problem. 4 When it all (to happen)?. 5 The morning was cold ad rainy, but since the o*clock the weather (to change) and now

the sun is shining brightly. 6 Show me the dress which you (to make). 7 Oh how dark it is! A large black cloud (to cover) the sky. I think it will start raining in a few minutes.

34 ПУНКТА! you have moved to another city. Send an email to your friend. In your email write- what the new place is like, how you like it, invite

her to your house- нужен не перевод задания а само задание -выполненное. минимум 40 слов. написать емейл-ответ св. другу

"write a letter to the school newspaper in wich: state why sport is necessary for people, say what teenagers will benefit as a result of the project.

inform the public about the sports facilities in your school. invite the organizations and private business to sponsor the activities"

Люди помогите пожалуйсто! раскройте скобки!If you(to believe) in something big, your kife(to be) more in teresting

She would be healthier, if she (to practise) sprots
If the fruits had been carefully washed, they (not to get)sick.
They would have felt better, if they (to sleep) with the window open
You (to have) to think of some reasons, if you don't agree with me.
If (to keep) a proper diet, he would have recovered long ago
Would you help me with the cleaning up , if you (not to be) so exhausted?

If the child (to calm) down, I will lie down for a rest.
If you( to have) others define who you are , you would never fild happiness..

Читайте также

помогите пожайлуста!срочно нужно!

короче в 8 упражнение вставить слова с 7 упражнения !
помогите пожайлуста 7. a) Find the words in the text to match the defiпомогите пожайлуста
7. a) Find the words in the text to match the definitions given below.
1. Connected to other computers through the Internet.
2. Something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said.
3. The most recent news or information about something.
4. To arrange for something important, to start such as an official process or a new play.
5. Extremely interested in something or someone.
6. A set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion.

8. Complete the sentences with the words from Ex. 7.
1. He was … by her voice.
2. The site has received a positive … from the users.
3. All the city’s schools will be … by the end of the year.
4. Many companies have … the development of a social network.
5. She bought a new … for a party.
6. The report provides a brief … on the progress of the project.

срочно нужна помогите пожалуйста!!!!

Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы сделать вопросы и записывать ответы, которые являются истинными для вас

Помогите пожалуста срочно нужно.Зарание спасибо

Задание 3.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.
1.I go home ... foot, but my mother comes home ... bus.
2. ... our lunch break we go ... the canteen.
3.Our classes begin ... 9 a.m.
4. ... dinner Nick can rest a little or go for a walk to the nearest park.
5. For supper I have a glass ... milk or juice ... the cake.

помогите пожалуйста!!!!!срочно нужно!!!

нужно сочинение про мое хобби, и про мой выходной день(

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