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переведите предложения используя конструкции It takes (took;will take) (no) time to do or 'How much time does ( did ; will) it take him (her,etc.) to do

5-9 класс


AliceGreene 12 окт. 2013 г., 15:56:30 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 окт. 2013 г., 17:52:23 (10 лет назад)

1.Mr. Meeks potrebovalost a lot of time to find his sister

2.He immediately realized that the private detective Dzholns not know kk solve the problem

3."We need time to find her way" - said the detective Mex

4.Dzhaginsu only took fifteen minutes to find a new address Sisters Mix

5.How long did it take to Jones chtobyosmotret room+_____________извмни если не правельно


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Переведите Пожалуйста. Очень надо.

As soon as we came to live on Corfu, mother decided that i was running wild and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education. but where to find one on greek island?each member of the family had his or her own idea of what was the best for me.he seems to have only one interest,sais larry,and that's to fill things with animal life. i don't think he ought to be encouraged in that...i want to light a cigarette this morning and a great bumblebee flew on the box.it was a grasshopper with me,said leslie.he doesn't mean any harm,poor little boy,said mother, he's so interesred in all these things.well, if you think this useless information is important to him ,i think george may teach him,said larry.that's a wonderful idea, said mother delightedly. will you go ower and see him? i think the wooner he strts the better.soon george came to the villa to discuss my education with mother.he was a very tall and extremely thin man who moved like a puppet. his thin face was coveres with a brown beard and a pair of large tortoise-shell spectacles. george was very serious in his new role of a teather. there were no schoolbooks on the island and george took some from his own library. patiently he taught me geography from the maps in the black of an ancient copy of encyclopedia english and french from books of different authors, and mathematics from memory. from my point of view,however, the most important thing was that we deveted some of our time to natural history, and george carefully taught me how to obserce and how to write down observations in a diary. i found that when i wrote things down i could learn and remember more

Помогите пожалуйста!Write sentences as in theПомогите пожалуйста!Write sentences as in the example.

Образец:He is playing football. Слова для справок cut,drink,eat,read,have,swim,watch,look,write,make

Читайте также

переведіть будь ласка summer holidays are coming and it will be the time to play ,make new friends ,swim in the river or go fishing...i am not sure about

the places my family is going to visit. but there is one thing i know for sure . i will visit my dear grandparents .i have not been to their place for to years . It will be great to spenb some weeks in the countryside. i enjoy walking in woods , gathering mushrooms and my grandad storytelling. i like riding a bike and watching the beauty or nature . i hope my grandparents will be pleased to see me . i have become two year older and now i can help them about the house even take care after my granny hens and ducks,too.what are you going to do this summer ?is there a plan of spending
holidays for your family ? do you like being in a village ? have you got goot marks at school? how do you feel? hope , you will write me back soon . bye for now.with best wishes,taras

Помогите выбрать правильные ответы!

1. It usually (takes will take/took) me twenty minutes to water the flowers. 2. I am sure it (takes/ will take/ took) you two minutes to find him there. easy. 3. It(takes/ took /has taken) me five minutes to clean my room. I can go now. 4. On Saturday I cleaned It my room. (takes/ took/ has taken) me three to do that. 5. My Granny and I cooked dinner yesterday. It(doesn't take /didn't take/ hasn't taken) us long to do it. 6. The text is not difficult. It (doesn't take/ won't take) you long to translate it. 7. This book is very interesting. The stories are easy I like to translate them for my sister. It(doesn't take /won't take )me long to do it. 8. (Does/ will /Did) it usually take you long to do your homework? 9. How long (does/ did/ has) it take you to do your homework yesterday? 10. How long (does/ did/ has) it taken you to learn English?

Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на

русский язык:
1. То carry out this experiment will take you a lot of time.
2. The experiment to be carried out in our laboratory is very important.
3. He forgot to register the results of the experiment

Помогите надо ответить на вопросы)) 1)Do you bring your textbooks with you every time you come to classes? 2)Give an example of a place

where it is hot (cold) all the time.

3)When was the last time you went travelling?

4) Give an example of smth you do from time to time ?

5)Tell me smth you are going to do in a week`s time?

6)Did you come on time for classes today?

7)Tell me smth you learned to do a long time ago?

8)Where would you like to go to have a great time on holiday?

9)Give an example of smth you think that is a waste of time?

10)Give an example of smth you have no time to do now?

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