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She (to like) to sit in the garden in summer when the weather (to be) hot. Составить общий вопрос и отрицание)

5-9 класс

Uliana123456 26 дек. 2014 г., 3:08:57 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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26 дек. 2014 г., 4:10:11 (9 лет назад)

She likes to sit in the garden in summer when the weather is hot.

She doesn't like to sit in the garden in summer when the weather is hot.

Does she like to sit in the garden in summer when the weather is hot?




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6 Chris asks Mary to do to the library the next day.
7 Chris hasn*t heard anything of Lilly
8 The giris are going tj visit Lilly after the library

Помогите. пожалуйста, ребята! Вообще в английском не реву- учила немецкий.

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Change the following into indirect speech, 1. "I have something to tell you," I said to her. 2, "I met her for the first time on a warm sunny

morning last spring," he said. 3. "I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said. 4. "I've been to Turkey twice, but so far I haven't had time to visit Istanbul," said Robert. 5. "It will be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," I replied. 6. "The president is to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow," said the BBC announcer. 7. "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 8. "We have bought a new flat. But we don't like it so much as our last one," said my cousin. 9, "I have left a message for him, but he hasn't phoned yet," she said. 10, "I've no idea who has done it but I'll find out," said Peggy. 11. He said, "My mother has just been operated on," 12. 'I'll come with you as soon as Fin ready," she replied to me. 13. i have a French lesson this evening and I haven't done my homework yet," said the small boy. 14. "She has been sitting* in the garden since the police came," I said to the officer. 15. "You haven’t closed the window and has forgotten to turn off the light," he pointed out

12×2=24 points) Read the letter. Put the positive and negative full forms of the verbs in the correct form. Put the answers only in full forms with one

space between them! Вводим/записываем полные формы глаголов через один пробел между словами возле соответствующего номера (если в скобках указано местоимение или наречие, то их также вводим/записываем на нужном месте!)

Dear Sal,

You’ll never guess where I (11. __________ write) from, I (12. __________ sit) in the garden of a hotel overlooking Lake Windermere. The hotel we (13. _______________ stay) in is amazing! It’s so good to get away. Every morning I (14. __________ get) up at 7 o’clock and I (15. __________ go) for a swim in the lake before breakfast. Since we arrived, we (16. _______________ do) a lot of sightseeing but we (17. ____________________ not/visit) the castle yet.

We are watching the boats coming and going all morning and the owner of the hotel (18. ____________________ just/suggest) that we take a boat trip this afternoon. There is a boat that leaves at 2 o’clock that we can take to cross the lake to Wray Castle—it sounds like fun.

We have certain plans. We (19. _______________ travel) to Scotland this weekend to visit relatives and then we (20. _______________ return) to London next week.

I was happy to hear you’re going to Paris this summer, (21. _______________ you/book) the tickets yet? It’s an amazing city, so I’m sure you (22. _______________ have) a great time. You’re so lucky!

Email me soon and tell me your news.


"Tell colin that I can not come and see him yet," said marry. "I'm very busy in the garden." Martha was not happy to hear that."Eh, miss marry," she

said, "he will become angry when I tell him that." "I can not stay,' marry answered. "Dickon is waiting for me. I was not in the garden yesterday. Tell Colin to read or look through his books."he has been waiting for you since seven o'clock,"martha said. "can not you come just for a minute?" "I can not and I don't want to. I will come to see him in the evening,"marry said." And don't look at mein this way, Martha."

надо в косвенную речь переделать)

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous : 1) He (to ride) a bicycle now . 2) She ( not / to drink ) coffee now . 3) The boys ( to walk) in the

park now . 4) ( to wash) you dishes now ?- no ,... 5 ) (To work )they in the garden now ? - Yes ......

(NOW) 1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2 I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk.

She (to study) geography. 5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room. 7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who (to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).

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