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помоги пожалуйста!!!!!why does the British Parlament consist of two cham bers?

5-9 класс

Kalinovskiy59 19 апр. 2013 г., 20:41:48 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 апр. 2013 г., 22:04:13 (11 лет назад)

1 The south of Scotland called the Lowlands, has beautiful valley and plains.
2 The Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea wash the western coast of Great Britain.
3 The Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate of  the Britsh Isles.
4 "Great Britain" is used to mean the United Kingdom in everyday speech.

 4  D
 5 Порядок предложении:
1 b
2 d
3 a
4 c


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The Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense.Простое прошедшее или прошедшее завершенное время.

-... (take part) in the comprtition recently?
Yes, I ... (try) my chance two weeks ago.
- ... (win) you the competition?
- No, I ... (not). But it was worth trying.

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Revice the forms and meanings of the irregular verbs and make the table complete . короче нужно 3 формы этих глаголов)) становиться (сиять,светить)

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Читайте также

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on

the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great
Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total
area is over 244,000 square kilometres.
The United Kingdom is made
up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively.
Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not
include Northern Ireland. But in everyday speech "Great Britain" is used
to mean the United Kingdom. The capital of the UK is London.
British Isles are separated from the continent by the North Sea and the
English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the
Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Shakespeare called Britain a
"precious stone set in the silver sea" because of its natural beauty. It
has a varied countryside where you can find mountains, plains, valleys
and sandy beaches. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain, but it
is only 1343 metres high.
There are a lot of rivers in Great
Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river,
while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream
influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year
The UK is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 58 million. About 80% of the population live in cities.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of
the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics,
textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries
of the country is shipbuilding.
The UK is a constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen.

In practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled
by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The
British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the
House of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. Перевидите пожалуйста

Read the Text and put the words

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands called (1)
It consists of four main parts: (2). London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland
The country’s shores are washed by (3), the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separate Great Britain from the continent.
The total area of the U.K. is 244.00 square kilometers with a population of (4) million.
The highest mountain is (5) in Scotland, 4,406 feet high. The longest river is the Severn in England. (6) is the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England
Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes, which are called (7).
The climate of G.B. is mild. It is not very (8) in winter and hot in summer. The average temperature in January is about 5C above zero. February is the coldest month in the year. The summers are cool and rainy. July is the warmest month. There is much rain and flog in autumn and winter. October is the rainiest month in the year.
The official (9) of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gaelic and in northern and central parts of Wales people often speak Welsh.
The UK is a highly developed (10) country. It is known as one of the worlds largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics» textile» aircraft, and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.
The UK is a constitutional (11).
In law, Head of the State is (12). In practice, the country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political (13) in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.
The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of (14). The big red cross is the cross of Saint George, the patron saint of England. The white cross is the cross of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

1.England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
2.Ben Nevis
3.the British Isles
4.the Atlantic Ocean
5.The Themes
14.three crosses

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3) When was the British Museum founded?

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5) When was the Museum's present home built?

6) What is the Round reading Room known for?

7) Why is the British Museum a national treasure house?

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3. What do you call the third branch of the US government? 4.How mane judges does the Supreme Court consist of? 5.How long do the judges work in the Supreme Court? 6.the US Constitution can be changed, can't it? 7.What do you call changes to the Constitution? 8. How many amendments to the Constitution can you name?

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