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5-9 класс

Auseli 29 апр. 2014 г., 17:10:41 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2014 г., 19:40:12 (10 лет назад)

1. Is your mum working? Yes, she is
2. Are you writing in English? Yes, I am
3. Are your classmates studying grammar? Yes, they are
4. Are your friends playing football? No, they aren't
5. Are you listening to music? Yes, I am
6. Is your teacher writing? Yes, she is


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите написать по образцу:

Образец: big-bigger-the bigger, little-lees-least.

помогите B8 и B12 пожалуйста
Hi, Misha,

It's Den. I hope you are OK. Can you give me some advice? When I spoke English to native speakers (носители языка), they couldn't understand me. What am I doing wrong?
Looking forward to your answer, Den

помогите ответить на это письмо

Читайте также

Составить вопросы к кроссворду из слов на тему: еда

Помогите составить вопросы к кроссворду на английском языке.Можно с этими словами: juice milk strawberry apricot yoghurt bacon pizza hamburger biscuits pasta. Но это не обязательно. Можно и другие, но на тему еда.Помоги,прошу.Сама я плохо составляю вопросы.А кроссворд я сама сделаю.

Составить вопросы,опираясь на эти предложения.

То есть,составить вопрос,на английском,например.Я завтра иду в школу.Вопрос:Когда ты пойдёшь в школу?А первое предложение будет ответом.
Вот вопросы
1)During the holidays we went to St.Petersburg
2)We stayes there for a week

Помогите составить вопросы по данным образцам.

1. You wonder if your neighbours would like you to babysit for them on their wedding anniversary.( нужно составить вопрос, опираясь на образец)
Would you like me to water your plants while you're away?(образец)

2.Would you mind not playing loud music early on Sunday morning?(образец)
I'm so sorry we made so much noise last night. It won't happen again.

3.You need someone to feed your cat while you are away.
Would you be able to watch over our house for us while we're away?(образец)

4. Your next-door neighbour is ill. You offer to do his shopping for him.
Shall i get you some milk when im at the supermarket?(образец)

Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)

he / usually / the / where / jog / morning / does / in?
Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
see / in / you / planet / how / ten / our / do / years?

помогите плиз

Составить вопросы к тексту I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theatre to see "The Sleeping Beau

ty". We took the underground there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes in their hands . My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

Составить вопросы к тексту помогите плизз

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