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Roy was the best player, so he wasn’t surprised when he became _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7) of the team

5-9 класс

Titovdan1 03 окт. 2013 г., 0:00:54 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 окт. 2013 г., 1:11:28 (10 лет назад)

Captain мне кажется подойдет

+ 0 -
03 окт. 2013 г., 4:05:51 (10 лет назад)

ну да ..или a leader,a main player,a chief player



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Посмотрите правильно ли?The Tower of London was build by William the Conqueror in 1708 as a castle and place. Since that time it has been expanded to its

present size, and used as an armory, zoo, a royal mint, a prison, and a museum. At the time when it was a prison a lot of people were being locked in the tower for their religious beliefs or suspected treason. Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth the First were being shut up there too. Spies imprisoned in the tower during both World Wars. Some of the prisoners were allowed to walk in the grounds, live in comfortable rooms and receive visitors. Many convicted were publicly executed on Tower Hill. They were beheaded with the block and axe, which was kept and shown in the Tower Armoury now. The Jewel House was situated at the Tower. The collection of the Crown Jewels was kept in it. Saint Edward’s Crown, The Imperial State Crown was being used for the coronation ceremonies. 3000 precious jewels were contained in the Imperial State Crown. In 1671 a daring attempt was being made to steal the Crown Jewels by a man named Captain Blood.

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As soon as we came to live on Corfu, mother decided that i was running wild and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education. but where to find one on greek island?each member of the family had his or her own idea of what was the best for me.he seems to have only one interest,sais larry,and that's to fill things with animal life. i don't think he ought to be encouraged in that...i want to light a cigarette this morning and a great bumblebee flew on the box.it was a grasshopper with me,said leslie.he doesn't mean any harm,poor little boy,said mother, he's so interesred in all these things.well, if you think this useless information is important to him ,i think george may teach him,said larry.that's a wonderful idea, said mother delightedly. will you go ower and see him? i think the wooner he strts the better.soon george came to the villa to discuss my education with mother.he was a very tall and extremely thin man who moved like a puppet. his thin face was coveres with a brown beard and a pair of large tortoise-shell spectacles. george was very serious in his new role of a teather. there were no schoolbooks on the island and george took some from his own library. patiently he taught me geography from the maps in the black of an ancient copy of encyclopedia english and french from books of different authors, and mathematics from memory. from my point of view,however, the most important thing was that we deveted some of our time to natural history, and george carefully taught me how to obserce and how to write down observations in a diary. i found that when i wrote things down i could learn and remember more

AEO ”NAZARBAYEV INTELLECTUAL SCHOOLS” TASKS FOR COMPETIVE SELECTION OF STUDENTS English, 8 grade 1. Choose the best answer: - Where can I have this

ironed? - ......................... A) At the laundry. B) At the bank. C) At the shop. D) At the post-office. E) At school. *** 2. Choose the best answer: A police officer…. car was parked at the next corner stopped and arrested them. A) whose B) who C) when D) where E) which *** 3. Complete the sentence: Andy said that no other car could go ... his. A) as fast as B) as fast like C) as fast that D) so fast like E) so fast than *** 4. Choose the appropriate variant of indirect speech: Jane said: “Did you see that film last month?” A) Jane interested if I had seen that film the previous month B) Jane ordered if I had seen that film last month C) Jane asked that I had seen that film last month D) Jane asked if I saw that film last month E) Jane interested if I seen that film last month *** 5. Choose the appropriate word(s): Sara and Kelly were getting treatment in the ... hospital. Their cases were.... A) same/similar B) similar/same C) best/same D) bad/same E) bad/best *** 6. Choose the best answer: If you ……… to him, you ……… a lot. A) listen/will learn B) will listen/will learn C) listen/learn D) will listen/learn E) listened/ will learn *** 7. Find the appropriate modal verb: It is raining. You … take your anorak. A) should B) couldn’t C) shouldn’t D) mustn’t E) are must *** 8. Find the right variant: Sergei Bezrukov … as a talented actor by all. A) is recognized B) is recognize C) recognize D) was recognize E) were recognize *** 9. Find the appropriate modal verb: I have got toothache. I … go to the dentist. A) must B) mustn’t C) can have been D) should have done E) should be *** 10. Complete the sentence: He … the newspaper at the time you rang. A) was reading B) read C) was read D) were reading E) readed *** 11. Choose the appropriate variant of indirect speech: John said to Tom: “Do you want to go to the cinema?” A) John asked Tom if he wanted to go to the cinema. B) John asked Tom he wanted to go to the cinema. C) John asked Tom did he want to go to the cinema. D) John asked Tom if do he want to go to the cinema. E) John asked Tom he had wanted to go to the cinema. *** 12. Choose the right variant: By the time the police arrived, the thieves ……. the stolen money. A) had hidden B) hide C) will have hidden D) are hiding E) hid *** 13. Choose the best question: Bill reads newspapers in the kitchen every morning. A) What does Bill do in the kitchen? B) Where do they read newspapers? C) How many newspapers does Bill have? D) Who cooks in the kitchen? E) Where does he buy newspapers? *** 14. Choose the best question: It usually takes her 15 minutes to get to the office by underground. A) How long does it take her to get to the office by underground? B) How long does it usually take you to get to the office? C) Who got to the office in 15 minutes? D) It usually took her 15 minutes to get to the office by underground, didn`t it? E) Where do you get in 15 minutes? *** 15. Choose the right order to make up a story: 1. Meat comes from animals. 2. People cannot live without food. 3. Where does our food come from? 4. People eat domestic birds too. A) 2,3,1,4 B) 4,2,3,1 C) 1,2,3,4 D) 2,1,4,3 E) 3,4,2,1

4 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or their derivatives.Ken is very hungry and he wants to eat 1)……………………. 2)…………………is at home to help him cook, so he

must make something himself. There isn't 3)……………………meat in the fridge but there are 4)…………………..tomatoes and peppers so he can make a delicious sauce and some spaghetti. Unfortunately, there is still 5)…………………..that Ken needs before he starts cooking. He needs some spaghetti as he hasn't got 6)……………………. He must go to the shop to buy some.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.Every Saturday, Ben and his friends 1)…………………………(go) to the park. They usually 2)……………………………(play) football but at the moment they 3)…………….(have)a picnic. They 4)……………………..(eat) sandwiches and apples. Ben 5)…………………..(be) very happy. He 6)…………………(talk) to his friends and he 7)………………(laugh). Ben 8)………..(like) sunny days.
6 Fill in the gaps with in, at or on.This year, I spent my summer holiday in Capri, Italy. I arrived there 1)……………August 1st and stayed at my friends' villa for two weeks. 2)……………..the mornings, we usually went swimming and water-skiing. 3)…………….noon, we always had lunch and 4)…………….the evenings, we went to a disco. I had such a great time that I promised to go back next year 5)……………. winter.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, her mum 2)…………… (cook) dinner. Suddenly, the phone 3)……………… (ring). It was Lisa's dad. «I 4)………….(have got) a surprise for you, Lisa. Don't go to bed until I come home,» he said. A few hours later, Lisa's Dad finally 5)………….(arrive) home. He 6)……..(hold) something in his arms. It was a puppy! Her parents bought her a pet for her birthday.
8 Complete the conversation using shall, will or the correct form of be going to.Niki: Hi, Sam. 11)……………have a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?Sam: Yes, I would love to! What time 2)…………..it start? start?Niki: About 8:00 p.m.Sam: Oh, I 3)……………not be able to come until 9:30 pm because I 4)…………. visit my aunt on Saturday.Niki That's OK.Sam I've some great CDs 5)……….bring them to your party?Niki Yes, please!Sam OK! See you next Saturday.
9 Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs from the list, could, must, don't have to, can't, may, should, couldn't, have to, mustn't, canJenny sing beautifully. Everybody likes listening to her.Lions fly.You forget to lock the doors before you leave.You take an aspirin if your head hurts.You cook dinner. I've already cooked.He reach the top shelf because he was too short.I tidy my bedroom. It's a mess.They go to the beach tomorrow but they don't know for sure yet. 9 Edward walk when he was two.10 Nurses wear a uniform at work. (study) for a test while her
10 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

перевидите пожалуста the Best Holidays in parutino

An and Dan were on holidays in parutino with their friends.it was the sunniest day,sothey decided to go and play on the beach.They were very excited,so they ran all the way there.
At the beach,theyunpacked their things."Let`s play volleyball!
Dan said
They got out a ball and started to play.Alex hit the ball so high that it seemed to go behind the clouds.the children could haedly notice what was under their feet.as steve was playing,he suddenly jumped on something sharp and hurt his right foot.He had to sit downon the hot sand and to examine his foot.
What has happened with you?Ann asked and came closer to the boy.
The children stopped playing.
Why have I hurt my leg?steve wondered.I see nothing here .This place is famos for ancient Greek treasures,Dan explained.People often find old things here.Let`s dig the sand and look carefully. Children started to dig and in a few minutes they couldn`t believe their eyes.They found a small marble thing! Let`s take it to the local museu,Ann said.The man at the museum was very pleased.This is the most amazing thing we have found this season! It is more then two thousand years old.The next day,the local newspaper interviewed the children about their wonderful find.They felt very proud and Steve even forgot about his foot.These are the best holidays we have ever had,they said.

1. He is busy and does not come to see us. If ...2. The girl didn't study well last year and received bad marks. If ...3. He broke his bicycle and so he

didn't go to the country. If ...4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If ...5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that's why I didn't come to see you. If ...6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that's why it struck a rock. If ...7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If ...8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If ...9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If ... ( образуйте условные предложение )

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