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Good morning,Vicky Come in, please. We are cooking Sunday dinner.Vicky.;Can I help you перевести на украинский

1-4 класс

Vanyanikitin2008 08 февр. 2017 г., 3:15:46 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 6:13:29 (7 лет назад)

Доброе утро Викки зайди пожалуйста. Мы готовим Воскресенский обед Викки Можешь

+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 9:09:44 (7 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 10:56:31 (7 лет назад)


+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 11:29:45 (7 лет назад)


+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 14:02:58 (7 лет назад)

а как пишется вправа

+ 0 -
08 февр. 2017 г., 16:55:14 (7 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


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Выберите подходящий вариант:

1. Do be quiet, will you? I try/I’m trying to concentrate.
2. It is/There is somebody oh the phone.
3. Are you still/yet doing this exercise?
4. His first working/worked day was a failure.
5. I’m not used to have/having a big breakfast in the morning.

срочно я на контрольной!!!!!!!

составить по 2 предложения с hope, probably, suppose, believe. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО С will

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There was a little smart Bird in a tree . He saw the little Birdd and wanted to eat her I ll have the bird for my breakfast thought the cat Good morning

Miss bird said the cat Good morning Mr cat said the bird Good news ! said the cat What news?Asked the bird The cat said very good friends now !We are friends :all cats dogs and birds come to me i want to speak to you !Переведите пожалуйста на руский плизз)

We live in London. We are not a very big

family. I have a wife and two children —
my son John and my daughter Sally. We
have two pets. They are Chase, a big collie
dog, and Smokey, a little grey cat. Where
do they live? In our house. Where do they
play? In the park with my children. John
and Sally love their pets and feed them in the morning and in the evening.
My name is Margaret Barker. My family is not big.
I have a husband, a son and a daughter. We all live
in England in London. My son John goes
to school. My daughter Sally goes to
school too. The school is near our house.
In the evening we are all in our house.
We like to watch television and read
books. I love my family.


поменять на косвенный речь. 1.The teacher says, ,,Come in! 2.,,Dont sit up late,, says the doctor to Mary. 3.Kate says to Nick,

,,Dont come in here!

4.Boris says, ,,Can you phone me tomorrow?

5.The teacher says, ,,You have to write this test today,,

6.Molly says to me, ,,Please, dont ask me about this,,

7.Amy says to his friend, ,,Play the piano next weekend!

8.They say, ,,We did the gardening yesterday,,

9.Mum says to her son, ,,Dont forget to clean your teeth!

10.She says, ,,Her sister was learning English,,

Hi!my name is John Barker.I live in London.i'm a pupil.i have a lot of friends at school.when we meet at scool we are happy.we love our scool we are

happy.we love our shool and our teachers.we read write and cound at scool.my family is not very big my mum dad and my sister sally i have a cousin too.her hame s mary.she is thirteen.mary is not from london.she lives in glasgow scotland.my fater richard is a doctor.my mother is a scoolteacher.ytr hame is margaret.in the evening when we are in our house together we like to watch films on television.i don't know why byt my mother likes old films.i don't.i like new films about robots and films about animals.


поменять на прямой речь. 1.The teacher says, ,,Come in! 2.,,Dont sit up late,, says the doctor to Mary. 3.Kate says to Nick, ,,Don

t come in here!

4.Boris says, ,,Can you phone me tomorrow?

5.The teacher says, ,,You have to write this test today,,

6.Molly says to me, ,,Please, dont ask me about this,,

7.Amy says to his friend, ,,Play the piano next weekend!

8.They say, ,,We did the gardening yesterday,,

9.Mum says to her son, ,,Dont forget to clean your teeth!

10.She says, ,,Her sister was learning English,,

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