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ПОМОГИТЕ! СРОЧНО! В 5: 1,2,3 не надо!! Всё остальное! Пожалуйста побыстрее :(

5-9 класс

Elenaloboiko 18 окт. 2013 г., 9:35:00 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 окт. 2013 г., 12:21:06 (10 лет назад)

4..a girl asked the tour guide what they were going to do that day.

5. a man  asked the tour guide when the dinner was served at the hotel.

6. .a girl asked the tour guide what time they were going to  leave the following day.

7. a man  asked the tour guide  what time the shops opened.

8. a man asked the tour guide who has done the sculpture in the square.

9. an old woman asked the tour guide  if there was a shopping centre nearby.

10. a man asked the tour guide if he knew were was the nearest bank..


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите перевести прямую речь в косвенную. 1.My friend said I like to watch TV programmers for teenagers and adults. 2.Tanya said I have

listened to poems by Robert Burns on the radio.

3. Sasha said I have never heard about Capital Radio before .

4. Pete said I am fond of wildlife programmes.

5. Our teacher said I advise you to listen to the educational programme on the radio at 5 o clock.

помогите пожалуйста

1)It was raining ... the whole day(heavy)
2)your .... drives me mad(lazy)
3)my favorite.... is Mozart(compose)
4)there is ... any coffee left(hard)
5) sam is very.... in his job(profession)
6)you should think of your.... when you ride in a car(save)
7)the species of some animals are disappearing ....(gradual)

Сочинение на тему "Професии" 10-12 фраз

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Помогите написать письмо
Надо ответить на воросы и рассказать о своей новой школе
Hope you made any friends in your new school? Do you studying there ?Have you got any new subjects this yers ?
И задать 3 вопроса про ее предпочтения в музыке

ПОмогите срочно!!!ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ!! -

Interviewer: I know you have been learning English for almost five years and you are planning to become an interpreter. What do you feel about learning grammar? Do you think your teacher spends too much or too little time on it?
Int. So grammar is important, but not too much of it. But should it be taught in
Int. With vocabulary — is it better to learn a few words at a time and practice them, rather than a lot of words by heart?
Int. One of the problems for learners of English is phrasal verbs — to get on, to get along with and so on, and, of course, idioms. Is it a problem for you? Have you
learnt enough idioms to cope with?
Int. So, make sure the idioms you learnt are up-to-date. Now, how about pronunciation?A lot of students find that hard.вы-,,,,,,
Int. What advice would you give to people who are just beginning to learn

помогите вставить the,a,или вообще ничего не вставлять:1)when it is........people wear........sport shoes and ........sandalas,2)

In.....winter......people usually wear.....overcoats and.....caps,3)......people wear .......miattens and ......gloves in .....winter,4).......people wear......boots on......cold winter day,5)........spring is ........nice season,6)........weather is fine in......summer,7)what......long dress!8)what......coid day!9)what rainy day!10)what was.......weather like yesterday заранее спасибо,помогите срочно надо

36 баллов.Помогите срочно!

Нужно написать рассказ(мне лично для презентации).
Про Россию.
Вот то что нужно(Не обязательно всё):
Географ. положение, какими морями омывается, немного об истории можно, флаг, герб и т.д., население, на каком языке говорят, главные города, столица, достопримечательности.
Заранее спасибо огромное!
Предложений 15 среднего рамера.

пожалуйста проект на английском совсем заумными словами не надо, так проект на тему dog walking(выгуливание собак) ну тема вообще нашего урока летняя

работа вот я выбрала. написать проект срочно много не надо главное рассказать про эту работу зачем она мне ну и т.д вот у меня пример есть ток также не надо

I'd have a dog , if i weren't so busy/ You sometimes hear people say that, but not everybody is so responsible. A lot of people who have pets don't have enough time to walk them properly and often feel quality about it. You can get quiet a lot of clients if you just stick an advert up on the bus stop near your house. Summer is the time when people want to go on holiday так и т.д срочно до завтра

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