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составить предложение из отдельных слов race/ to/ did/ Britons/ belong/ What/ the?

5-9 класс

Rahmonovmuhama 25 июля 2013 г., 20:56:06 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 июля 2013 г., 22:28:57 (10 лет назад)

What race did the Britons belong to?


Другие вопросы из категории

написать о своем хобби
решите плиз. срочно надо.
Переведите текст: Patsy:Hi,Ann.I'm getting on the plane now. Ann:Can't wait to see you.I'm on my way to the airport. Patsy:All

right!! See you in a couple of hours.

Ann:Are you wearing warm clothes? It's very cold here.


Ann:Yeah! And it's really windy. I'm wearing my coat and scarf.

Patsy:Really? I'm wearing a short skirt and a blouse. It's hot here.

Ann:I'm only joking. It's a lovely, hot day today in Glasgow.

Patsy:You're awful!

Ann:No, I'm not.

Patsy:Okay,I'm hanging up now. See you later.

переведите на русский язык и ответье на вопрос!! Пожалуйста ооочень нужно!! 1) Is Rob in prison? 2) Who is with him? 3) Why is Rob in the Tower of London?

4) Why did Rob have to run away? 5) Why did Rob say to the old man, "You are a horrible old liar"? 6) Why did the old man say, " I forgive you" ? 7) What isgoing to heppen to Rob? __________________________________________ Rob and the old man Rob: Hello! Is anybody here? The old man: Hello, young man. How did you get into this awful place? Rob: I am a wizard!I prdicted the fature for the Queen and she wanted to send me to the Tower. I had to run away. Her soldiers caught me last week, because I was very tired and couldn't walk any more. The old man^ You're not a wizard, you're a scared little boy! I feet sorry for you. Everything is ready for your execution. Rob: You're just a horrible old liar! They can't kill me. It's all a bad dream! The old man^ You're not very polite, but I forgive you. I can see something for the Queen? Tell me your stori and I'll help you. Rob: Please, please help me! You're really a nice old man and I don't want to die. Life is so good and I am so younq! ПППОООЖЖЖАААЛЛЛУЙСТАА!! ОООЧЕННЬ НУЖНООО!!!

Читайте также

составьте предложения из данных слов be watch enjoy leave decide fall to look for terrible







to knock

some thing

some one

to water

только плиз нормальные не из двух слов

Нужно верно составить предложения из английских слов.Естественно с добавлением дополнительных слов при котором предложение станет нормальным. Например:

даны слова: Make,tidy,his room. По этим словам нужно составить предложение. Например: Ann makes Steve tidy his room.
1) Want,make a mess,in the house,not.
2)Ask,turn the musik off.
3)Let,take,her things,not
4)Make,do the dishes.
5)Need,do the shopping.
6)Would like,walk the dog.

Составь предложение из этих слов:

1.Not far/we/from/thepark/live/.
2.Kate"s/is/a doctor/father/good/.
3.Now/my/is/in/playing/sister/the garden/.
4.When/usually/you/get up/do?
5.Is/all/why/crying/the baby/time?
6.he/interestini/give/you/a book/can/.

Сделайте предложение вопросительным
1.Uncle Podge lakes a littie job.
2.Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper.
3.In sammer we uaually go to to the seaside.
4.Look.Jack is swimming to a big rock/
5.I can read English books quite wll.

Составьте предложения из набора слов


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