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What would life be like without art? How can art benefit a society?Помогите написать хотя бы 8 предложений плиз(

5-9 класс

Car 03 сент. 2013 г., 0:11:10 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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03 сент. 2013 г., 1:25:18 (10 лет назад)

Science and art are two main streams of knowledge accumulated from ancient times by human beings. They have their own characteristics and provide to the society their contributions, which benefit the world in which we live.


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Написать русскую сказку небольшую, наподобе снегурочки. На английском. ( не писать про Ивана царевича и т. д. ).

Сделать иллюстрации к каждой картинке. Картинок может быть шесть. Рассказ ( сказка ) небольшой. Если сделаете иллюстраций, то отмечу как лучшее!
Вот сам пример: an old man and his wife haven't got any children. They're sad about this. ,, Let's make a child out of snow," says the man.
Можно сделать сказку про колобка. Но обязательно иллюстрация. Это первая часть, которую я написал. Столько примерно строчек должно быть.
Не писать СПАМ!

Fill in the gaps. Use the preposition that with work/get/give.

1) I don't like to get ...early in the I of mornings. I more of a night owl. 2) He gave... the secret 3) I can't get... with my mother-in-law. 4) You're just trying to get ...of doing your homework! 5) I get ...very well ...my colleagues 6) Sarah gave...smoking 5 years ago 7) Sarah never could...get with her cousin. 8) Get... of his car! 9) Elisabeth was going to get...earlier than her sister. 10) We were going to work...a new strategy.

Мини сочинение о своём друге

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Проверьте пожалуйста текст, посоветуйте, что подправить или добавить.

To my mind perform in front of an audience really hard and exciting.
First of all I would practice. I must be shure, than all according to plan.
After the perfomanse I would feel a sense of relief. I would very happy if the audience afford pleasure of my performance.

What would it be like to perform in front of an audience? How would you prepare? How would you feel on stage after the performance?

помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы или по вопросам составить диалог)) 1. Can you imagine yourself in ten years' time? What will your profes

sional career and your family life be like? What would you like them to be?
2. On a scale of one to ten how many points would you give yourself as a friend? A daughter or a son? A pupil? A brother or a sister? Why?
3. What are your strong and weak points?
4. What are your priorities now? Do you think they will change with time?
5. What features do you appreciate in people in general? Do you think you have these features? What would you like to change in yourself?
6. What is the greatest dream you have?
7. How much are you doing for your future now? Are you doing anything to make your dream come true?
8. How much does your future depend on the future of your country?

What was your trip like? Answer the questions...

1)When did you travel?
2)Where did you go?
3)How did you travel:by car,by sea,by plane,by train?
4)Who travelled with you?
5)Why did you go to that place?
6)What did you see there?
7)Who did you meet there?
8)What was the place like?
9)Did you enjoy your trip?
10)Would you like to go there again?

4 Answer the questions. 1. What would you have to do if you worked as a dishwasher? 2. What would you have to do if you worked as a costumed character?

3. What would you have to do if you worked as a ranger? 4. What would you have to do if you worked as a cook? 5. What extra opportunities would each job give you? 6. Which of these jobs do you find the most / the least exciting? Why? 7. Which of these jobs do you find the easiest / the most difficult? Why? 8. Which of these jobs would you like to try? Why?

Can you describe yourself in five words?What would you most like to change in yourself? whots your motto? how do it you see yourself in 10 years

time?how do you see our planet in 10 years..........пожалуйста перевод

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